Physicians today demand adaptable solutions that offer customizable, combination treatments to meet individual patient preferences without invasive surgical interventions. In response, QuantumRF from InMode delivers groundbreaking innovation. As the new handpiece for the IgniteRF platform, QuantumRF unlocks the future of fat reduction—achieving results without the need for liposuction.
QuantumRF is an advanced, minimally invasive device FDA-cleared for dermatological and general surgical procedures where soft tissue contraction is required.
With two specialized cannulas—one for the neck and one for the body—QuantumRF introduces fractional radiofrequency (FRF) technology to reach unprecedented depths.
Discover QuantumRF 25 and QuantumRF 10, new advanced technologies that offer superior soft tissue contraction to address both facial and body concerns. By deploying clinically proven radiofrequency energy, QuantumRF targets multiple tissue depths, delivering exceptional outcomes. With QuantumRF integrated into the IgniteRF platform, you can achieve transformative facial and body results for your patients.
1. AmericanSociety of Plastic Surgeons, January 2023, Plastic surgery trends for 2023,according to plastic surgeons.